Teacher Certification MTEL - Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure Exam Study Guide

The Massachusetts department of education administers the MTEL or the Massachusetts test for educator licensure. This is a mandatory test for those seeking an educator certification in Massachusetts and is designed for pre-kindergarten through 12th grade teachers.

Format for MTEL - Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure Exam

The Massachusetts test for educator licensure is a criterion referenced test that assesses the candidates knowledge and skills in particular areas. Each MTEL test has a different scoring standard for passing the exam. The candidate can take this test as many times as he wants and the scores never expire if once the examination is passed. The MTEL examination has four assessment categories

  • Communication and literacy skills test- in this section the candidates reading and writing skills are tested. The reading section is a multiple choice question based test and the writing section tests the candidate over writing abilities and his knowledge over language and convention rules.
  • Academic subject matter test- this portion has both multiple choice objective and written response questions. This section tests the knowledge and skills of the applicant that any Massachusetts public school teacher must possess. There are different tests in this category like physical education, music, general curriculum etc.
  • Vocational technical literary skills test- This section again consist of both reading and writing exams. The reading section is multiple choice question based while in the writing section the candidates are required to compose a composition and answer the questions in a writing format.

Study Guide and Preparation for MTEL - Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure Exam

MTEL - Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure Exam Study Guide

A Complete Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure Exam that includes sample questions, test tips and a complete study plan prepared by a team of expert and dedicated researchers. Cost-effective and qualified exam help from a committed exam preparation company

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