Top Study Methods

Studying has been a major part of our life and it is one such technique that requires patience and a lot of practice. Studying effectively is not just a matter of chance as we often go wrong concerning the study methods, due to which we waste a lot of our important time.
We are going to share with you some of the effective study methods that will help you derive maximum benefits with great results.
- Make Connections There is a difference between slow and quick learners and it is in the way they study. For example- instead of cramming and memorizing, the quick or the smart learners would be making connections or interrelations between the ideas to retain the information longer. It is also known as contextual learning as it requires students to customize or curtail their learning method.
- Notes Method This technique involves you first identifying what you want to learn and then jotting it down in the form of notes in your note work. From here on it requires you to explain to someone and illustrate your conceptual ideas.
- Role Play As per the research, students can retain and recall ideas when they teach them to someone else. Doing a role play as if you are teaching will keep you engaged and would instinctively seek our new ideas, methods. This is effective when dealing with subjects related to comprehension, science. Accordingly, you can work out a way that works best for you.
- Flashcards These are not just for the kids but they are perfect study tools for everyone. You can use the cards to write down important information. Carry your flashcards with you while you are on the go. Keep going through them and revising the information you find tough. It will help improve your study skills.
- Prepare Structured Notes And Then Revise Them During class when important points are being discussed take note of all important ones. And post that rewrite the same in a proper format in your own words. With notes in your own words, you will be able to recall the important points in a quick fraction of seconds.
- Keep Reviewing Your Study Material Regularly As per the research students who do not review regularly can forget 70% of what they have learned in just 2 weeks. The first review should be done quickly after the material; is read for the first time. As you review early, it helps retain the information longer.
- Make Use of Diagrams and Flowcharts Visual aids help a lot in retaining the information. As you begin to study, prepare or condense your notes in the form of 1-page diagrams. Collate your ideas and write them down briefly to help you recall them effectively.
- Practice Old Exams This is one of the effective ways to prepare for an exam. It helps you get used to the old format and if you have the time it will help you with good practice.
- Organize Study Groups Studying in a group is also found to be very effective. You may have questions and answer sessions with your friends. It can be done in the agreed amount of time regularly.
These are some of the effective study methods and are considered as reliable too. Students who follow these methods can grasp and can retain material for longer periods. Try these study techniques the next time you sit down for studying and we hope it will be helpful for you and would save your time.
All the best with your preparations!