Time Management - Test preparation
Test preparation cannot be an independent activity from time. Whether you are studying for any K12 exam or preparing for a higher education professional degree or taking a professional certification test, you will need to master your time management skill to be successful.
Peter F. Drucker, a management consultant, educator, and author, once said, “Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else.” It’s no doubt that if we are not able to manage time, then we might not able to manage our daily schedule. A schedule that will take us to the pinnacle where we want to be. Hence its important we cautiously manage our time and to do that we think there are few things which you need to adhere
Have smart goal management
S: Specific what you want to achieve, when you want to achieve and why you want to achieve. If you have a specific target, you can adjust your preparation time and be more productive
M: Measurable When the goals are measurable, you invest your time wisely. Let’s say, you would like to complete a chapter with all sample questions answered in two hours.
A: Achievable: This is very important for any test seeker. Do not set your time goals which are not realistic. Your complete study prep material cannot be completed in half an hour, which you are reading for the first time and without any prior test preparation.
R: Realistic: Be truthful to yourself and realistic. Your first test preparation cannot be completed in 15 min. Be as realistic as possible.
T: Timely: Do not keep your goals ending at the last moment. Set your comfortable goals which can be achieved in a timely manner. What has always worked for students is to finish all their studies a night before exam so that they can have a healthy sleep.
Set Your Priorities
Give priority to urgent and essential tasks in your test preparation endeavor. A "to-do" list becomes handy in prioritizing your responsibilities. Writing the list takes 10-12 minutes but saves you a whole 2 hours throughout the day. Prepare a daily or weekly "to-do list," depending on your lifestyle. Begin with the essential tasks, followed by the less important ones. For instance, while you prepare for an exam, you will need to make a “To-Do” list for knowledge lessons to be completed on a particular day, review the questions which you think are important for exam. Revision of difficult topics should be prioritized when you are near test schedules. Prioritize to test your knowledge as well.
Avoid Procrastination

Procrastination is a killer of time management. Just like “time waits for no one,” your action should not wait for another time. Avoid putting off your preparation to last minute. If you feel overwhelmed by the study preparation, consider gradually increasing your study schedule. For instance, prepare for your study each by going through lesson by lesson. And each day spend some time on revision of previous topics which were read earlier. Within a few days, you’ll feel better prepared for test you are attempting to appear.
Limit External Distractors
Avoid external factors that waste your time. Prepare a study plan and stick to it. Avoid using your phone when embarking on a task. Mute all notifications from social media. A snap of your former school mates on holiday might divert your attention and perhaps demotivate you. However, you can reward yourself by logging on to social media after completing an assignment.
Balance out your time
Do not bury yourself into schoolwork if you are a student or in your professional alone. Set aside time for your test preparation, sleep and also some enjoyment. Making an effective time schedule is a key to success.
Set your Deadlines
Allocate a specific time frame both in terms of date and time. Any certification or test cannot be open ended. Hence set yourself a date deadline of completing a sample test. When you give a practice test, it should always be timeboxed. Remember each minute well spent makes you a step closer in achieving your dreams.