How to Concentrate for your Test

Is your test date fast approaching, yet your concentration wades off? Do you find yourself staring at the notes without mastering the concept? Perhaps because of exam phobia or you're somehow stressed. Or probably your brain betrays you when you need it the most? It doesn’t happen to you alone; most students feel the same, perhaps because of the tests' stressful nature. A test tends to be stressful since it assesses not only your academic prowess but also other prospects, including mental robustness, calmness, and ability to meet deadlines. A successful test result equips you with the necessary tools to achieve a step forward towards your goals. Just like any other challenge which you might dearly want to win, a test which holds the key to your future goals, may cause a panic, but remember panic, stress has never solved a problem. People who have stressed or panicked have never been successful. Hence take a deep breath take the first step to improving your concentration; the ability to calm down. Now, embrace these helpful tips to improve your focus.
Study in a quiet environment
Silence is the key to better concentration. It stimulates the brain to produce hormones that lessen stress. Have you ever wondered why you concentrate more in the library compared to your room? The golden rule in the library is silence! So, choose a quiet place free from any form of distraction and keep your headphones away. Music might be soothing for a while but can become a distractor.
Start with a more comfortable and more interesting test prep topic
Every student should have most interesting, loved and easy topic which they should master at the start. These test prep topics can be attempted with ease, even when when things are not going as per the plan. Begin your studies with the topic that you pride in, then move to more challenging ones. Interesting topics motivate you to study more, thereby improving your concentration.
Choose your study time for test prep
Monitor yourself and see which time you concentrate the best. Some people concentrate better in the morning while others prefer studying at night. Personally, trying to focus in the morning does not work for me. Not to mention how many times I have to snooze the alarm. But, I can comfortably stay till late in the night, provided my cup of coffee remains faithful to me. Choose the time that suits you and stick to it.
Observe your nutrition
To feed your brain, feed your stomach first. Concentrating on an empty belly is a real struggle. Observe a balanced diet, eat moderately, but remember an overdose might be fatal to your concentration. Avoid overeating, lest you fall asleep and miss a chance to study for the anticipated test. If you feel hungry during your study, grab some snacks.
Take breaks in between the study
Take a short break after every two hours. Limit the break to a maximum of fifteen minutes. During the break, you can take a short walk or even run. A little exercise improves blood circulation to the brain, thus sharpening your concentration.
On the day of Test
- Before you come to exam center, ensure you are well rested.
- Decrease your stress by planning to come to the test center early
- Ensure you bring all your necessary stationery and test id with you
- Read all instructions properly
- Take your time and read exam questions carefully.