Nursing NNC -Neonatal Nurse Certification Exam Study Guide
The national certification corporation provides the neonatal nurse certification program. These examinations are administered by the Applied Measurement Professionals (AMP).
Eligibility for NNC - Neonatal Nurse Certification Exam
The candidates must possess a valid nursing license and must have completed nursing preparation educational program for neonatal nurses that must meet the NCC standards and must be accredited either by CCNE or NLNEC. The candidates also need to be graduated in 2005 or later dates.
Format for NNC - Neonatal Nurse Certification Exam
The NNC test is taken both in computer and paper pencil format. The examination fee is $250 for paper pencil version and $ 300 for computer based version. The certification lasts for a limited period alone so the candidates can maintain the certification either by continued education or by re examination. The examination lasts for 3 hours and has 175 questions that vary with the difficulty and ability level. The examination covers the following subjects
- General Assessment & Management
- Family Integration
- General Management
- The Disease Process
- Professional Issues
Study Guide and Preparation for NNC - Neonatal Nurse Certification Exam

Getting through the NNC examination wouldnt be easy. So you need to be prepared for the examination. You can refer a NNC study guide that will allow you know each and every aspect of the examination and will also help you prepare well for the test. A good study guide can help you maximize your performance and potential in the examination.