Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Test

ASVAB consists of nine different tests which are all timed separately. Exams in ASVAB are set to test your knowledge in different areas.Although the exams being adaptive in nature, difficulty level of the exams is made in accordance to some one who has graduated from high school. The other consideration for these exams are to decide the branch each candidate would be eligible for in armed forces.

What to expect in ASVAB examination

  • The ASVAB exam comprises of multiple choice questions within the nine categories and each category has a time limit to complete the questions. Various categories which are considered are:-
  • Arithmetic Reasoning (AR) Total time allotted 36 minutes. Total questions to be answered are 30. This essentially means just over one minute to answer each question. Need to have free sample questions click here
  • Assembling Objects (AO) Total time allocated 9 minutes. Total questions to be answered is 16. This would mean you would need to answer each question in approx of 30 sec or two question per minute.
  • Auto & Shop (AS) Total Time allocated is 11 minutes. Total questions to be answered is 25. Each question to be answered in less than 30 seconds or more than two questions per minute.
  • Electronics Information (EI) Total Time allocation 20 questions Total questions to be answered 9. Each question to be answered should be in less than 30 seconds or it would be advisable to go at a pace of 3 questions per minute.
  • General Science (GS) Total time allocation 11 minutes. Total number of questions to be answered is 25. This means just less than 30 sec or more than 2 questions answered per minute.
  • Mathematics Knowledge (MK) Total time allocated is 24 minutes. Total questions to be answered is 25. This would require each question to be answered just less than 60 seconds or more than 1 question per minute.
  • Mechanical Comprehension (MC) Total time allocated is 19 minutes. This section has 25 questions. This means approx of 45 seconds to answer each question.
  • Paragraph Comprehension (PC) Total time allocated is 15 with 15 questions to answers. Each question to be answered is around 50 seconds.
  • Word Knowledge (WK) Total time allocated is 11 minutes with around 35 questions. This would essentially mean around 18 seconds to answer each question.

Although ASVAB has a total of nine sections, its important to give priority to certain sections that may help you to ascertain your place in armed forces. The high priority sections are Arithmetic Reasoning (AR), Mathematics Knowledge (MK), Paragraph Comprehension (PC) and Word Knowledge (WK). Once you are thorough with the above mentioned four sections, you can start preparing for other sections as well based on your interest towards a specific job or field in the branch of military.

Resources to be used for preparation of ASVAB

While preparing for ASVAB lets not consider it different from any other exam. Its important to start with knowing your strengths and weaknesses. To know your strength you can use either the exam samples or practice test or a study guide. Once you have seen your overall performance you need to make sure you don't waste time on your strengths but go ahead with your weak areas. Highly recommended sources would be high school text books along with on-line resources. A Study Guide is also helpful.

Result Validity of ASVAB

The results of the ASVAB tests are valid for two years and if you want to improve your score, you can re-test again after thirty days. Once you had a re-test you must wait at least six months before you can take the test again if you do not have a satisfactory score.

ASVAB General Science Video

ASVAB Study Guide and Flashcards

 ASVAB - Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Test Flash Card Study System

Includes practice tests, sample questions, study plan, test tips and complete review. Complete ASVAB study guide prepared by a dedicated team of expert researchers.

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How to Prepare for Multiple Choice Questions

Tips and tricks that can help you prepare for multiple choice questions and increase your mark. Prepared by professionals these tricks help you excel in Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Test multiple choice exam.

 How to answer multiple choice

AFVAB Multiple Choice Strategies Guide

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