AEPA - Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessment Exam Study Guide

All the educators who have been seeking certification in Arizona and want to begin their career as a certified teacher need to take the Arizona educator proficiency assessment exam formally known as the AEPA Exam. The AEPA examination is designed and administered by the Pearson evaluation systems.

Format for AEPA - Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessment Exam

The Arizona educator proficiency assessment exam consists of five tests that evaluate the applicants knowledge over various subjects.

The professional knowledge test consists of further 3 sub tests covering issues like early childhood, elementary and secondary. Each subtest consists of 100 multiple choice questions and a written assessment exam.

Subject knowledge test has 100 multiple choice questions. For German, French and Spanish applicants the test contains 55 multiple choice questions, 1 written and an oral test.

The United States and Arizona constitution test has 100 multiple choice questions The administrator test for the supervisors has 100 multiple choice questions and a written assessment test. For superintendent there are 100 multiple choice questions and 4 written assessment exams.

The basic skill test comprises of 3 subsets- the reading and mathematic section has 42 multiple choice questions while the writing portion has a written performance assignment along with 42 multiple choice questions.

Study Guide and Preparation for AEPA - Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessment Exam

AEPA Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessment Exam Study Guide

While preparing for the Arizona Educators Proficiency assessment you are to make sure that you are covering each and every topic of the subject. You can take the references from the AEPA study guide that will allow you familiarize with the examination format and prepare well for the examination.

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