Free TOEFL Exam Practice Questions

Q.1 Read the passage given below :-

There have been numerous popular political firsts in the historical backdrop of the United States. Jeannette Pickering Rankin is no exemption. She was the first lady chose to the United States Congress in 1917. Interestingly, she was an individual from Congress before the U.S. Sacred Amendment XIX allowing ladies the privilege to vote was approved. Jeannette Rankin was conceived close Missoula, Montana on June 11, 1880. Her dad was a farmer and her mom was a teacher. Jeannette was their first tyke. She went to government funded schools in Montana, and moved on from the University of Montana at Missoula in 1902 with a Bachelor of Science degree in science. She started advancing the ladies' suffrage development - a push to secure ladies' voting rights - in 1910.

In the wake of working for the New York Women Suffrage Party and the American Woman Suffrage Association, Jeannette Rankin came back to Montana. She proceeded with her taking a shot at ladies' suffrage through talking engagements and association endeavors. Rankins contribution helped Montanan ladies pick up the privilege to vote in 1914. Rankin chose to run as a Republican for the United States House of Representatives in 1916. Her sibling a conspicuous specialist bolstered her monetarily. Some individuals suspected that her battle would acrid the battle for ladies' voting rights. Her triumph on August 29, 2016 fixed her place ever; she turned into the first ladies chose to U.S. Congress. Jeannette Rankin was formally confirmed as an individual from 65th Congress on April 2, 1917. One of her first votes was against proclaiming war on Germany, which denoted the United States' entrance into World War I. She kept supporting ladies' suffrage, and she is named to a board shaped to look at the issue. In 1918, she opened civil argument in the U.S. Place of Representatives on a determination to give ladies the privilege to vote. It was the antecedent to the consequent sacred alteration endorsed after two years.

Rankin did not run for reelection to the U.S. Place of Representatives. Rather, she looked for race to the United States Senate. Her offer was exceptionally unsuccessful. She cleared out Montana and moved to Georgia, where she obtained a ranch. In spite of the move, she kept up her status as a Montana inhabitant. Over 20 years after her first term in Congress, Rankin won the 1940 decision for the 77th Congress as a Montana Representative. In her second term she was a candid adversary of World War II. In the wake of leaving Congress in 1943, she kept on upholding for ladies' rights and world peace until her demise in 1973.

How old was Jeannette Rankin when she passed on?

A. 93

B. 71

C. 60

D. 52

Q2 Which segment of the accompanying entry needs to be altered for wrong spelling, erroneous punctuation, unseemly word decision or tedium?

A. clean up its own chaos

B. "Its not going to,"

C. the man said,

D. pointing at his neighbor's pooch.

Q3 Choose the answer which best rephrases the stressed segment. On the off chance that you think the first wording is best, pick alternative A.

Previously, occupants utilized the wood for cooking and warming, however as of late, they have started to offer it keeping in mind the end goal to backing their jobs.

A. heating, yet as of late, they have started to offer it

B. heating. At the same time they had as of late started to offer it

C. heating. As of late, they have started offering it

D. and they were offering it

Q4 Choose the answer which best revamps the stressed allotment. In the event that you think the first wording is best, pick alternative A.

Fundamental money crop for Belize was sugar, however as of late, citrus natural products have turned into the main wellspring of harvest pay.

A. Main money crop

B. A fundamental money crop

C. The fundamental money crop

D. An primary money crop

Q5. Choose the answer which best revamps the emphasized part. On the off chance that you think the first wording is best, pick alternative A.

Building foundation and creating oil stores is getting to be progressively critical to the economy.

A. is

B. are

C. was

D. were

Q6. Choose the answer which best rephrases the emphasized segment. On the off chance that you think the first wording is best, pick alternative A.

In spite of the fact that water covers roughly sixty-seven percent of the Earth's surface, under three percent is fresh water.

A.Earth's surface, under three percent

B.Earth's surface; under three percent

C.Earth's surface: under three percent

D.Earth's surface. Under three percent

Q7. Choose the answer which best revamps the stressed bit. In the event that you think the first wording is best, pick choice A.

There are a gathering of islands spotted in the East China Sea that are the subject of a debate between two countries.

A. There are a gathering of islands spotted in the East China Sea that are the subject of a debate between two countries.

B. There are a gathering of islands, spotted in the East China Sea, that are the subject of a debate between two countries.

C. A gathering of islands spotted in the East China Sea that is the subject of a debate.

D. A gathering of islands spotted in the East China Sea is the subject of a debate between two countries.

Q8. Which gameplan most enhances the accompanying sentence?

Remember to change your auto's oil each 3000 miles, you hazard harming the motor in the event that you drive without enough oil.

A. Set off the incidental comment with commas.

B. Change from second to third individual.

C. Fix the comma graft.

D. Fix the parallel structure.

Q9. Choose the answer which best revamps the stressed bit. In the event that you think the first wording is best, pick alternative A.

A few countries for example the United States have adequate wellsprings of water.

A. countries, for example, the United States

B. countries, for example, the United States

C. countries, for example, the United States,

D. countries, for example, the United States;

Q10. Which gameplan most enhances the accompanying sentence?

A few individuals have required an end to the US blacklist of Cuban products.

A. Capitalize merchandise.

B. Lowercase Cuban.

C. Switch to uninvolved voice to accentuate the blacklist.

D. Change blacklist to ban.

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Correct Answers for TOEFL Exam with Explanation

Answer 1. (A) She was 93 years of age at the time of her passing. Jeannette Rankin was conceived in 1880 and passed on in 1973.

Answer 2. (B) Corrected variant: It's not going to. In English 's can mean ownership (e.g. the young lady's doll) or withdrawal of is (e.g. Marcia's nearing over later). To determine this uncertainty, its methods it is, and its is the possessive structure.

Answer 3. (C) The best decision is "heating. As of late, they have started offering it" . "Started" is a previous strained manifestation of "start." "Started" is the past molecule type of the verb. Joined with the helper verb "have," it shows something has happened for an unspecified time before the present and will keep on happening.

Answer 4. (C) The best decision is "The fundamental money crop" . The sentence ought to start with the conclusive article "the" in light of the fact that "money product" alludes to an one particular thing - sugar. "An" and "an" are inconclusive articles.

Answer 5. (B) The best decision is "are" . "Base" and "oil stores" allude to more than one thing. Hence, a plural type of "to be" is important to appropriately finish the sentence. "Getting to be" demonstrates that something is right away event and will keep on happening so "are" is the suitable verb structure to use in this sentence.

Answer 6. (A) The best decision is "Earth's surface, under three percent" . Commas can be utilized between with two ward provisos, for example, the ones completion with "surface" and starting with "less." Colons, periods, and semicolons are unseemly sorts of accentuation to use with this sentence.

Answer 7. (D) The best decision is "A gathering of islands found in the East China Sea is the subject of a debate between two countries." Lopsidedness can influence sentence clarity and reason disarray. Putting aside superfluous words and expressions can reinforce a sentence. Uprooting wrong commas and "there are" and "that" don't change the sentence's importance. The expression "between two countries" is important in light of the fact that it tells perusers "who" is questioning the islands.

Answer 8. (C) The sentence is most enhanced by settling the comma join. You can either change the comma to a semicolon or put a conjunction after the comma.

Answer9. (C) The best decision is "countries, for example, the United States," . Commas can be utilized prior and then afterward superfluous expressions. These incidental interpretations can be put aside and not change the importance of a sentence. The United States is recorded as a case. On the off chance that the country is situated aside, it would not change the significance of the sentence. Subsequently, that expression can be set off by commas.

Answer 10. (D) The sentence is most enhanced by changing blacklist to ban. Shoppers who pick not to purchase an item are boycotting it; governments that disallow exchange have set a ban on another nation. Both activities restrain exchange.

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